Saturday, 2 August 2014

How Much Sleep Do You Actually Need?

Tired we all know the feeling irritable groggy and exceptionally lazy chances are you didn't sleep enough last night or the past few nights but what exactly is enough sleep and more importantly can you ever catch up on it while the berry punch enough sleep is still debated by scientists: we do know that it's necessary to function efficiently and productively after all we spent 24 years of our life time sleeping it'd better be important researchers have tested how much is required each night by assigning group of people to 46 in eight hours of sleep over extended periods of time after 14 days those with eight hours of sleep exhibited few attention lapses or cognitive issues however those with six or four hours of sleep showed a steady decline in fact after only two weeks the six our group showed a similar reaction time toa person with a blood alcohol concentration which is considered legally drunk the four-hour sleeper suffered even more occasionally falling asleep during their cognitive tests in both groups brain function decrease day by day almost linearly with no sign of leveling.

Scientists have dubbed this cumulative effect as sleep debt so can he recover from it after a night or two a little sleep study show that the body in brain can fully recover with a few nights a good sleep however with long-term sleep deprivation on the skillet weeks to months the recovery of cognitive function is much slower requiring many more nights quality sleep on the time scale up months to years it’s unknown whether brain function can be fully repaired or if it causes permanent damage paradoxically with chronic sleep deprivation your sleepiness or how tired you feel does eventually level of meaning that you become less and less aware your objective impairment overtime so how long should you sleep most studies tend to show that seven to eight hours of sleep is the average ideal for humans apart from the cognitive issues individuals who consistently sleep less than seven hours a night have an increased risk of heart disease Bobby city and diabetes not to mention a 12 percent higher risk of death on the flip side studies have shown that was sleeping more than eight hours does not impair brain function it also carries an increased risk of heart disease obesity and diabetes and a 30 percent increase risk mortality so too much sleep may also be a bad thing but variation most certainly exists and our genetics play a large role in fact individuals genuinely unaffected by only six hours of sleep but found to have a mutation in a specific gene when scientists genetically engineered mice to express this gene they were able to stay awake for an extra 1.2 hours than normal mice it turns out the short sleepers have more biologically intense sleep sessions than the average person ultimately well it's important to know the ideal average up seventy eight hours exist but your body and brain help you figure out its own needs. thank you for yourreading my blog and do subscribe and don't for get to comment.

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